Thursday 3 May 2012

Task 3: I was given a word/theme which I then had to create a story with using props, hair, makeup and a studio that I set up for myself. I had to experiment and plan before creating the shoot, using a variety of techniques to create different messages. The first word I was given was EXPLOSION. I had to research into what explosion meant and what I thought and explosion was. Then with that research I planned out how I wanted my shoot to go such as the hair, makeup, backdrop, model, clothes, colours, etc.. I then went ahead and created a shoot. I also had to research the psychology of colour so I understood what the colours actually conveyed. I really enjoyed this task as I hadn't done a photo shoot before and it was exciting. I liked the freedom and creativity that came with it. I didn’t do as much planning as I should have done which had its downfalls when it came to doing the shoot. Creating the ideas for the shoot and being able to do what I wanted was really exciting, although I feel I could have gone out of my comfort zone more.
We were told to watch a short film called Le Balloon Rouge (Red Balloon). The film didn't have much dialogue and there wasn't very much colour apart from the red balloon. The film is about a little boy who finds a red balloon only to discover the balloon has a life of it's own and follows him around everywhere. Other little boys try to steal the red balloon from the little boy who had found it. At the end of the film the red balloon shrivels up as though its about to die. After the red balloon dies a whole bunch of balloons appear out of nowhere and take the little boy off into the sunset. After the short film we were told to create a story of our own taking inspiration from Le Balloon Rouge which was challenging. I enjoyed creating this story and I used my friend Pippa as the model and I made her look like she was from the 1950's standing in a park. Next to her is a red balloon floating around as though it has a mind of its own just like the one in the film.

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