Thursday 3 May 2012

Comparing Two Stylist Work

I had to find two stories from different stylists and compare their work producing a 250 word written piece. I had to explain how the stories were different such as the lighting that was used and then the model's poses. I had to consider what they conveyed and the messages behind each story. This was also very difficult for me but with the list of questions from the previous task I managed to understand what I was talking about. I compared Grace Coddington's 'A Winters Pale' and Katie Grand's 'What Lies Beneath'. Both of these stories are inspiring to look at with the use of lighting and colour used in different ways to set the moods of each show and it makes them both dramatic. My favourite one of the two fashion stories has to be Katie Grand's 'What Lies Beneath'. The feeling it gives you just from looking at it is incredible, it reminds me of an enchanted forest. Katie took a lot of inspiration for this shoot from a Shakespere play called Hamlet and a character called Ophelia. The image of Ophelia is now a famous image of her floating down the river. The below painting depicts this and is from the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood and was painted by John Everett Millais.
Grace Coddington and Katie Grand work in very different ways. I personally think that Katie Grand is more daring that Grace Coddington with the way she conveys her work. 'What Lies Beneath' is a great example of that as she chooses to have naked models in and around a lake and takes her inspiration from famous plays like Hamlet and the Pre-Raphaelite's work. Grace Coddington, on the other hand, is daring but plays it safer but she creates some beautiful work and meaningful stories.

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