Friday 10 May 2013

Creating A Fashion Template Using CAD

On a Friday afternoon I have to spend a few hours on CAD. I had to create my own fashion template in order to do this, I had to follow instructions which were given to me on a handout. Here are the steps in which I had to take to complete this task:

  • I had to upload a figure on to the desktop I was working on, I had to use a figure which you could see the whole body shape of.
  • I used adobe illustrator and clicked on CMYK.
  • I imported my visual from the desktop, I had to remember to tick the template box before pressing place I did this to insure that it was easier to trace around.
  • I used the pen tool to trace around my template I zoomed in on the figures head and drew around the outline.
  • After I traced the head I began to trace the figure.
  • I then changed the colour of the figures hair
  • After I had done all this my figure was complete and I had a fashion figure drawn for me without having to draw one and the benefits of creating a fashion figure on CAD is that I could used it more than once print out as many copies as I need which means it is not as time consuming, I could email to people and save it for another time. The bad points to using CAD is if your computer crashes you will not be able to get your work back also if you don't have access to a computer you won't be able to makes changes to your work.

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