Friday 14 December 2012

Paul Iribe

I looked into a illustrator called Paul Iribe, I found his work interesting as a lot of it was to do with the world war. I found a piece of his work which stood out most to me and it was an image of Hitler. I then looked into the media that Paul used so that I could try and re-create this piece, I found that he made stencils and rubbed iron and copper shavings over the top of the stencil.

I then tried to create my own stencil using this image of Hitler that Paul used.

As I have never made a stencil before I wasn't sure what way to go about it so I created some samples to see which one would work best for the recreation.  I then got a scalpel knife and cutting board and got my drawing and cut the outlines out.

This is the stencil that I created using Paul Iribs method. I think that I gave it a good attempt but there is a lot of improvements that I could make so if I make a stencil again I will need to create a lot more samples to get the best outcome.

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