Wednesday 7 September 2011

London Fashion Week...

London Fashion Week...

I have heard of London fashion week, but never really looked into it until now. I would love to watch London fashion week live, it looks amazing some of the designers are out of this world...

Vivienne Westwood is my ultimate fashion idol ! she is showing the Vivienne Westwood red label at the London fashion week She will be showing at 18:00 on Saturday the 17th of September.
I have also decided to follow and report on a new label that i have never heard of before called Fashion East they will be showing 12:00pm on Sunday 18th September. I have purely chosen to follow them based on their name.
I will be sure to post an update on these two collections with my opinions and thoughts.

Tuesday 6 September 2011


Elsa Schiaparelli, created this very well thought out shoe hat, its an amazing design, which looks very unique and quirky.

Else designed some of the most beautiful evening gowns, her work it different but its also very beautiful and inspirational.

Else Schiaparelli, the flamboyant designer of the art decs period, is wrenched for her fabulous eccentricity and innovations. She changed fashion and peoples attitudes to it  with her scandalous dresses and colourful personality. Her legacy of spectacular designs and an entirely innovative approach to fashion design has marauded contemporary fashion and inspired fashion designers, including Galliano, McQueen, Gaultier and Yves Saint Lauren. In short Elsa Schiaparelli was the women who shaped fashion as we know it today.

This is the male version of the topless swimsuit.  
I love the design pattern on this garment, it is really funky and very 60's.

This is the ladies version of the topless swim suit, its not everybody's cup of tea, but it really is an amazing design.

Rudi Gernreich, is a new designer to me, he created the topless swim suit. He is a very insparational designer. He takes very big risks with his fashion, people may not agree with how explicit some of his garments may be, he takes these risks and  the outcome is incredible. His designs are edgy and out there. I personally think he has amazing work and he is now one of my proffered designers. I am excited to do more research into Rudi's work and to get ideas and inspiration from it.