Thursday 9 January 2014

The Christmas Blues...

So it's been and gone for another year, Christmas is one of my favourite times of the year ! This Christmas was very much a relaxed and peaceful time, I spent it with the people who mean the  most to me.
 I was also very spoilt this year, my dad and boyfriend really did surprise me, with some of the most beautiful gifts. My favourite part was seeing everybody open up their presents which I had bought for them, there is nothing like putting a smile on everybody's faces and see them really love what you have picked out for them.
 I think this year I must have gained an extra stone in weight due to the amount of food in which I had eaten and may I add thoroughly enjoyed... 
 It came and went far to fast this year, it felt as though I had blinked and it was already over. I have decided that I am going to start my Christmas shopping NOW ! As I was very organised and stressed during the last two weeks before the big day itself. Never am I leaving it so late again obviously I decided to learn the hard way ! 

Images to be added