Thursday 20 June 2013


The fashion show ran smoothly I feel that my collection worked well on the models. It worked well as a hole collection and I was pleased with the outcome. During the fashion show I took responsibility in dressing the models and working to a time plan. I received good feedback from members of the audience as they were impressed with how I had hand painted my collection. The fashion show was well received in general by the audience. The planning of the fashion show went well. I think that there should have been less time for breaks and we should have just got on with dressing the models.

I feel that the price of each garment is well priced. They would retail at about £75.00 each, which would cover all costings and manufacture time. In existing high street stores such as House Of Fraser, Debenhams and Next plain linen dresses retail for between £30-£80. Considering my dresses are hand painted and have embellishments this is a good price for the high street which is my chosen market level.

I feel that my collection will work for my target market and also a target market for older ladies because after the fashion show I had a few older ladies come up and tell me they would wear my dresses.

My collection references current summer trends and therefore it will appeal to current buyers.