Wednesday 6 July 2011

This was our third task set, as you know we made paper dresses, well now we had to produce an observational drawing, it didn't have to be of our own work, so I chose to do another dress which was named ''Chanel couture'', I was scared to attempt this drawing at first, I just couldn't get my head around it, but then my tutor Nic showed me new techniques, this helped me to get the best possible outcome, by the end of the day I was really proud of myself for attempting this drawing, and for it to turn out the way it did, also that I have learnt new techniques to help me through the next 2 years.

This was our second task set, we were told to get in to a group of two, we had to produce a garment made of paper, we were all given a shape to make it from, and the shape i was given was a triangle, me and my partner Hannah thought a triangle would be an easy shape to work with, but when it came down to it we were very limited as to what we could do. It didn't quite get finished, but this is the work that was produced by myself and Hannah and it was a completely new experience to create a garment made of paper.

Mariano Fortuny...

This is the first blog I have ever created :)
My first taste of fashion collage, we have all been set a task. We had to research a designer, who we had never heard of before which inspired us. I chose Mariano Fortuny.

Mariano Fortuny, was one of the great creative minds of the 20th century. He created he 'delphos robe' in pleated silk, designed in a revolutionary shape, inspired by Ancient Grecian gown, the long dresses were simple and loose, shaped to fit a natural women's body silhouette. Before being manufactured, the silks were dyed in every colour imaginable, with different designs or color combinations, changing according to light and movement. Fortuny rebelled a lot, the fashion before him was very tight corsets and big heavy skirts, they didn't show the natural beauty of women's silhouette, were as his style was very loose and fitted the body perfect. His fashion style really inspires me, as my two favorite style's are Grecian and historical.